
by Paul K Lyons
The Diary Review - articles about diaries/diarists in the news
NEW - And so made significant . . . an online anthology of diary extracts
Objectives ____ How to use The Diary
Junction ____ Acknowledgements ____ Diarists on this site
The aim of this website is to provide an internet resource for
those interested in historical and literary diaries and diarists. I've kept
it simple, partly because I personally appreciate uncluttered, useful sites,
and partly because this is not a commercial project. Over time, I hope to
continue adding data on more diarists, and, to this end, I would encourage
contributions. Comments about the site, as well as suggestions, additions
and corrections are always welcome.
If you like this site, or it has helped in any way, and you wish to acknowledge
this, please email diaryjunction at p i k l e dot c o dot u k,
or alternatively consider visiting other areas of Pikle
(If, by any chance, you are a publisher or literary agent
please do have a look at 'Not a Brave New World'
or 'London Cross', both of which are crying
out for a mainstream publisher, or my other projects.)
There are information pages for over 500 diarists. Each diarist's
data web page includes:
- biographical details, a biographical summary, and diary dates and descriptors,
- up to six internet links to a) a more detailed biography, b) texts of,
or about, the diaries, c) institutions holding the original manuscripts,
- up to three diary titles.
The 500 data pages can be accessed in three ways:
1) through carefully-compiled LISTS organised
____ BY NATIONALITY (list)
____ BY DESCRIPTOR (list)
2) by combining the word pikle with a diarist's name in an internet
search engine,
3) from the basic (and very long) full list of diarists, in alphabetical
order, at the bottom of this page.
The Diary Junction home page can be accessed directly from
everywhere on this site, either by clicking on The Diary Junction logo,
or using the links along the top of each page. Important notes and cautions
about The Diary Junction information are repeated on every data page; and
there is an extra cautionary note about the descriptors on the descriptor
list pages.
Two websites proved particularly useful in compiling
this one.
The Diary Research website provides
a searchable version of the (very comprehensive) 'Annotated Bibliography
of Diaries Printed in English' compiled by C S Handley and published on
CDROM by Hanover Press in 1999.
The National Archives
website provides substantial information on original manuscripts.
I am also grateful to Kathryn Carter for her website 'Women's
diaries written in Canada'
I visited Amazon
and Abebooks
a lot to check published titles, and in some cases for information on diary
In terms of published books, I used one bibliography and several anthologies,
and I've occasionally referred to an editor's view in my biographical summaries:
Havlice, Patricia Pate (1987) And So to Bed - A Bibliography of Diaries
Published in English, The Scarecrow Press
Brett, Simon (1987) The Faber Book of Diaries, Faber
Aitken, James (1941) English Diaries of the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries,
Taylor, Irene and Alan (2000) The Assassin's Cloak, Canongate Books
Ponsonby, Arthur (1923) English Diaries, Methuen
Ponsonby, Arthur (1927) More English Diaries, Methuen
Melosina Lenox-Conyngham (1998) Diaries of Ireland - An Anthology 1590-1987,
The Lilliput Press
Abbot, Abutsu, Joseph Randolph Ackerley, John Adams, John
Quincy Adams, James Evershad
Agate, Louisa May Alcott,
William Allingham, Isaac Ambrose, Henri
Frédéric Amiel, William
Wayte Andrew, Eliza Frances
Andrews, Paris Anonymous,
Elias Ashmole, Cynthia
Asquith, John Aston, William Ayshcombe, Sřren Bache, Abigail
Abbot Bailey, John Cann Bailey,
John Baker, Martha
Ballard, Nicolo Barbaro,
W N P Barbellion, Marie Bashkirtseff, Matsuo Basho, Arthur
Hamilton Baynes, Libby Beaman,
Cecil Beaton, Jacob
Bee, Ludvig van Beethoven,
Gertrude Bell, Hilaire
Belloc, Anthony Benn, John Benn-Walsh, Arnold
Bennett, Alan Bennett,
Edward White Benson, Arthur Christopher Benson,
Mary Berry, Emily
Birchall, John Dearman
Birchall, Katherine Bisshopp,
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, Barbara Leigh Bodichon, John Peter Boileau, Johann
Martin Boltzius, James Boswell,
Paul Bowles, Richard
Boyle, Jimmy Boyle, William Bray, Bertolt
Brecht, Arthur Herman Bremer,
Gerald Brenan, William
Brereton, Vera Brittain,
Benjamin Britten, Charles Anthony Brooke, Nicholas
Brown, Ford Madox Brown,
Mary Browne, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, George Bubb Dodington,
John Bufton, Deborah
Bull, Reader Bullard,
Fanny Burney, Timothy
Burrell, Charlotte Bury,
Eleanor Butler, John
Byrom, Elizabeth Byrom,
George Byron, Alexander
Cadogan, Walter Calverley,
Joseph Campbell, Neil Campbell, Albert
Camus, Jane Welsh Carlyle,
Dora de Houghton Carrington,
Thomas Cartwright, John Sarsfield Casey, Hugh Casson, Gaspar
Castańo de Sosa, Barbara
Castle, Anne Chalmers,
Henry Channon, Mary
Boykin Chesnut, Galeazzo Ciano,
Alan Clark, Horace
Clark, Henry Fynes Clinton,
William Clark, William Clements, Anne
Clifford, William Cobbett,
George Cockburn, Henry Cockburn, Thomas Cocks, Jean
Cocteau, Mary Coke, William Cole, Maurice
Collis, Christopher Columbus,
Thomas Coningsby, James Cook, Polly
Lavinia Coon, Anthony
Ashley Cooper, Antony Ashley
Cooper, Eleanor Coppola,
William Johnson Cory, Robert Coverte, Noel
Peirce Coward, Mary Cowper,
Thomas Creevey, Nicholas
Cresswell, George Croghan,
Thomas Crosfield, Richard Crossman, Hannah
Cullwick, Nicholas Marshall
Cummins, Alfred Cunningham,
Allan Cunningham,
Vasco da Gama, Daibu,
Jikaku Daishi, Salvador
Dali, Thomas Dallam, Charles Darwin, John
Dawson, Sarah Bowdoin Dearborn,
Francois De Bassompierre,
Simone De Beauvoir, John Dee, Edmond
De Goncourt, Jules De
Goncourt, Carolina Maria de
Jesus, E M Delafield,
Eugčne Ferdinand Delacroix,
Jean-François De Galaup
De La Pérouse, Abraham
De La Pryme, Michel De
Montaigne, John Denison,
Henriette Desaulles, Simonds D'Ewes, Liane
De Pougy, Pierre Lemoyne
d'Ibberville, John Doble,
Alfred Domett, Anna
Grigoryevna Dostoevsky, William
Dowsing, Mountstuart Grant Duff,
Albrecht Dürer, Lawrence Durrell, William
Dyott, Edward VI, Jonathan Edwards, George
Eliot, Edward Robb Ellis,
Nancy Emerson, Ralph
Waldo Emerson, Brian Eno,
Fray Francisco Escobar, John Evelyn, Johann
Ewald, Adam Eyre, Joseph Farington, Florence
Farmborough, Edward Fenton,
Henry Fielding, Celia Fiennes, Marianne
Fortescue, Henry Edward Fox,
Robert Barclay Fox, Caroline Fox, Anne
Frank, Elizabeth Freke,
Elizabeth Fremantle, Donald Friend, Richard
Hurrell Froude, Elizabeth Fry,
Elizabeth Fuller, Robert Furse, Hugh
Gaitskell, Walter Gale, David Gascoyne, André
Gide, George Gissing,
William Gladstone, Cynthia Gladwyn, Paul
Josef Goebbels, Johann Wolfgang
Goethe, William Goodall,
Charles Gordon, Robert Gordon, Gilles
Picot Gouberville, Gerald Graham,
Thomas Gray, Thomas
Green, Isabella Augusta Gregory,
Joyce Irene Grenfell, Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville,
Henry Greville, Thomas Grey, William
Griffith, Charlotte Forten
Bridges Grimké, Giovanni
Guareschi, Che Guevara,
Alec Guinness, Thomas
Gyll, Emily Hall, Ellen Hall, Peter
Hall, Ishbel Maria Hamilton-Gordon,
James Hannington, Letitia Hargrave, Elizabeth
Johnson Harris, James
Harris, Peter Hawker, John Milton Hay, Benjamin
Haydon, Thomas Hearne,
Philip Henslowe, Thomas Herbert, Abel
J Herzberg, Oliver Heywood,
Donald Hill, John
Edward Bernard Hill, Etty
Hillesum, John Cam Hobhouse,
John Hobson, Margaret
Hoby, Philip Hone, William Honeywell, Robert
Hooke, Gerard Manley Hopkins,
J W Horsley, George
Howard, Leonidas Hubbard,
Mina Benson Hubbard, Vere Hunt, Joseph
Hunter, Gemma Hussey, Arthur Crew Inman, Washington
Irving, Thomas Isham, Christopher Isherwood, Ralph Jackson, George
Jackson, Rebecca Cox Jackson,
Violet Jacob, Henry
James, Alice James,
Derek Jarman, Miss
Jenkins, John XXIII,
Francois Ferdinand Joinville,
William Jones, Edwin Jones, Ralph
Josselin, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, William
Keeling, Fanny Kemble,
Harry Kessler, Nasir-i
Khusraw, Sřren
Kierkegaard, Francis Kilvert,
Cecil Harmsworth King, William Lyon Mackenzie King,
Paul Klee, Victor
Klemperer, Edward Knatchbull,
William Henry Knight, John Knox, Selma
Lagerlöf, Edward Lake,
William Lambarde, Luca Landucci, Alan
Frederick Lascelles, Erich
Lassota Von Steblau, Nella Last,
William Laud, Mary
Leadbeater, James Lees-Milne,
Edward Leeves, Aldo
Leopold, C S Lewis, Meriwether Lewis, Anne
Morrow Lindbergh, Charles
Lindbergh, Anne Lister,
Eyre LLoyd, Robert
Bruce Lockhart, Zadoc Long,
Francis Longford, Roger Lowe, Marie
Belloc Lowndes, Thomas Babington
Macaulay, Henry Machyn,
Robert Lindsay Mackay, Alasdair Maclean, Ian Maclean, Sarah
Macnaughton, William Charles
Macready, Richard Madox,
Alma Mahler-Werfel, André Hurault Maisse, Clementina Malcolm, Kim
Malthe-Bruun, Henry Edward
Manning, John Manningham,
John Mansel, Katherine
Mansfield, Raďssa Maritain,
John Marsden, Henry
Martyn, Richard Mather,
Cotton Mather, Douglas Mawson, Henry
McClintock, Henry Louis Mencken,
Ioannis Mentzalis, Robert Menzies, Thomas
Merton, Henri Michaux,
Minamoto Michichika, Michitsuna, Elisha
Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell,
Naomi Mitchison, Edward Montagu, Lucy
Maud Montgomery, Giles
Moore, George Fletcher
Moore, George Moore,
Thomas Moore, Elizabeth Mordaunt, Claver
Morris, Sydney Moseley,
Louis Mountbatten, Malcolm Muggeridge, Arthur Munby, Fujiwara
Munetada, Jens Munk, Robert Musil, Joseph
Mydelton, Fujiwara no Nagako,
Henry Newcombe, Richard Newdigate, Benjamin
Newton, Asenath Nicholson,
Harold Nicolson, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Nijo, Anaďs
Nin, Eric Norelius, Henri Nouwen, Maria
Nugent, Humphrey O'Sullivan,
John Oglander, William
Joseph O'Neill Daunt, Iris Origo,
Joe Orton, Lee
Harvey Oswald, Nettie Palmer,
Ebenezer Parkman, Frances Partridge, Jan
Pasek, Kate Paul, Cesare Pavese, Drew
Pearson, Edward Pease, Henry Peerless, John
Penry, Samuel Pepys, John Perceval, Andrew
Peterson, Marius Petipa,
Antonio Pigafetta, Ananda Ranga Pillai, Sylvia
Plath, Richard Pococke,
Beatrix Potter, Walter
Powell, Dawn Powell,
Anthony Powell, Caroline Powys, Linka
Preus, John Orde Poynton,
Hana Pravda, Raymond
Priestley, Ch'oe Pu, Barbara Pym, John
Rabe, Thomas Raikes, Hermione Ranfurly, Francis Rawdon, Hayashi
Razan, Wilhelm Reich, John Reith, Jules
Renard, John Reresby,
Seán Ó Ríordáin,
Charles Ritchie, Frederick Philipse Robinson,
Henry Crabb Robinson, Richard Rogers, Anne
Roden, Jakob Roggeveen,
Alexis Lawrence Romanoff,
George Rooke, Ned
Rorem, George Rose, John Rous, Thomas
Rumney, John Ruskin, John Rutty, George
Sand, Sarashina, May Sarton, Siegfried
Sassoon, John Scott, John Scott, Walter
Scott, Robert Falcon Scott,
George Percival Scriven, Shonagon Sei, Hanna
Senesh, Nassau Senior,
Samuel Sewall, Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley, Izumi
Shikibu, Murasaki Shikibu,
William L Shirer, Emily Shore, Elizabeth
Simcoe, John Skinner,
Henry Slingsby, Elizabeth Smart, Elizabeth
Smith, Saiokuken Socho,
Sogi, Clara
Solomon, William Soutar,
Harold Stephen Spender, Richard Stapley, John
Steinbeck, Stendhal,
John Stevens, William
Bagshaw Stevens, Frances
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stevenson, August Strindberg,
George Templeton Strong, Strother, Arthur
Seymour Sullivan, Swabey,
Jonathan Swift, John
Addington Symonds, Adam Tas,
William Tayler, Pyotr
Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Samuel
Teedon, William Johnstone Temple,
Henry Teonge, John
Thomlinson, Henry David Thoreau,
Ralph Thoresby, Hester Lynch Piozzi Thrale, Leo Tolstoy, Sofia
Tolstoy, Richard Torkington,
Tomás de la Torre, Philip Toynbee, Dang
Thuy Tram, Kino Tsurayuki,
Marina Tsvetaeva, Thomas Turner, Victoria,
Hans Axel von Fersen, Hermann Ludwig Von Lowenstern,
Ludolf von Münchhausen,
Philipp Georg Von Reck, Cosima Liszt Wagner, Waldstein, Nehemiah
Wallington, Horace Walpole,
Francis Walsingham, Lester Frank Ward, Samuel Ward, Thomas
Asline Ward,Andy Warhol,
George Washington, Evelyn Waugh, Beatrice
Webb, Denton Welch, John Wesley, Charles
Wesley, Arthur Graeme West,
Anna Mathilda Whistler, Mary Avery White, George
Whitefield, William Whiteway,
Samuel Wilberforce, William Wilberforce, Kenneth Williams, Alice
Williamson, Edward Wilson,
Adolphus Windeler, William Windham, Charles
Windham, Anna Green Winslow,
Adam Winthrop, Francis
Edward Witts, David Wojnarowicz,
Anthony Wood, Robert
Woodforde, James Woodforde,
Leonard Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Dorothy
Wordsworth, Charles Wriothesley,
Woodrow Wyatt, Joan
Wyndham, Eugenia Wynne,
Harriet Wynne, Philip Wyot, Walter
Yonge |