We sold the cottage in Aldeburgh and bought a house in the centre of Brighton, in Tidy Street, North Laine, allowing Barbara and Adam to move out of their rented accommodation and into their own house. One weekend in two I’d spend in Brighton, initially doing much work on decorating and furnishing; and alternate weekends, Barbara and Adam would travel up to London to be with me in Kilburn. Adam continued at the Polytechnic nursery, Barbara was studying hard on her degree course, and I was finalising my thesis - on paternalism in primates - for the MSc in biological anthropology.
At FT Newsletters, I completed my first book, ‘The New Energy Markets of the Soviet Union’ which sold very well, and I continued to improve my new newsletter ‘EC Energy Monthly’. That summer, office politics drew me into a complicated and distressing dispute which led, in time, to me exposing ongoing fraudulent activities, ones which would lead to an arrest and a prosecution. Towards the end of the year, I began to get life-restless again, and first conceived the idea of persuading the FT to re-locate me to Brussels, partly to be on the spot, as it were, for ‘EC Energy Monthly’, and partly to service other FT newsletters with European Union news. (Diaries 41, 42)
Paul K. Lyons (January 2016)