Welcome to the Pikle portal!
Here, find links to all published and self-published writing by
Paul K. Lyons - five novels, two collections of children’s stories, two memoirs,
30 years of journals, five websites/books concerning Brighton (and London), and three websites concerning literary and historic diaries.
FICTION (Pikle Publishing)
Not a Brave New World
A trilogy in three wives
The Blue Toothbrush →
A modern fable of fame, failure and redemption
ScreenSpun →
A novel about love, paternity and TV!
The Badger and the Unicorn →
A Pikle Children's Treasury
The Boy with the Red Hat →
A second Pikle Children's Treasury
DIARIES and DIARISTS (websites)
The Diary Review →
Articles about diaries and diarists
And so made significant . . . →
The world’s greatest anthology of diary extracts
The Diary Junction (archive) →
Large database of literary and historical diaries
BRIGHTON (and London)
Brighton in Diaries →
Published by The History Press
Brighton & Hove Then & Now →
Published by The History Press
BrightonBeach365 (online) →
Daily thoughts, stories, images - from the pebbles
Grafitti Brighton (online) →
Photos of Brighton’s grafitti and street art
Brighton Cross (online) →
A straight line walk across Brighton
London Cross (online) →
A straight line walk across London
PERSONAL JOURNALS 1974-2005 (online) →